DrumShot® teambuilding

DrumShot® teambuilding

ДръмШот тиймбилдинг / DrumShot® teambuilding / e интерактивна тиймбилдинг програма с барабани и перкусионни инструменти на принципа дръм съркълс/ drum circles , providing maximum fun and group experience when holding various events.

Екипът на Дръм Шот се състои от опитни музиканти- перкусионисти с международна практика, that add magic and make your conference unforgettable, seminar, team building, party, holiday, introducing a new product or training program.

Сесиите с барабани и ударни инструменти предпазват служителите от емоционален срив
By Alison McCook/ Health – Reuters

Participating in percussion sessions can help workers overcome stress and prevent mental breakdown, which is the most- the most common reason for leaving a job. Margaret Bailey of the Center for Strengthening Body and Mind, helped conduct most of the percussion sessions, expresses confidence, that exercise creates connection between people and energy within the group.

Source: Magazine “Guidelines in Body and Mind Medicine” 2003Mr.


Why we use the drums to build teams (Team building)

Drumming is a form of communication, used by human society for centuries in celebration or as preparation for battle. This is the most- the old familiar form of team building (team building).
Drumming unites and encourages cooperation and
create common goals for the team.

Playing is an unforgettable activity for the whole team.
It gives immediate results and requires no gift or physical ability.

An active method of creating a community
It sparks the imagination and creativity of the group.
It allows people to accept challenges and creates a bond with other team members.

Relieves stress
Drumming is scientifically proven, that changes brain waves and quickly releases stress.
Participants quickly reach the state, in which increased inner focus and clarity is observed.
Through “steam release” you will feel balanced, rested and energetic.

Percussion sessions give a lot of new knowledge, and the analogies between the orchestra and the team are a deep insight into the minds of the participants.
The orchestra, as well as a company, are made up of different groups, which must work in sync.


Когато съединим отделните ритмични и музикални елементи и екипите които ги изпълняват, ще получим един общ ритъм (полиритъм), който е много по-внушителен от сбора отделните ритмични модели и елементи. Силата и мощта, която участниците ще почувстват ще им даде усещането за синергия и уникална значимост в общото представяне и преживяване.

Learn more about DrumShot Teambuilding

Send your inquiry to: office@eventhouse.bg